Cheap Cars: On Your Terms

Cheap cars can be found at competitive rates from a variety of sources like public and private auctions, car dealers, local classifieds, online sites and even private owners. Generally speaking, when people are looking for a cheap car, they want a car that is in good working condition at a low cost. While cheap cars […]

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Charging Nissan’s Electric Leaf

As the number of electric cars on the road in the United States slowly continues to grow, there are many people who are wary of the new technology and are waiting until the prices of electric vehicles come down a bit and their use becomes more widespread before they throw down any cash. Electric cars […]

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Increasing the Mileage Standards

The White House’s latest bid to raise the fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks in the United States to an average of 56.2 miles per gallon of gasoline by 2025 has already met resistance from domestic auto companies and lawmakers. It seems the Obama administration’s goals of reducing the nation’s oil consumption and carbon […]

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4 Effective Tips To Keep Your Car In Top Condition

It is important for you to take care of your car like just like you take care of your own body. A car needs special maintenances if you want to keep it moving. The regular maintenance of cars helps in the proper functioning of it as well as it also increases the lifespan. Since a […]

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Halsey Completes Hat-Trick of Open Crowns

On a dull and overcast day at Queensway Meadows, Newport, John Halsey and Jason Glenie completed an unprecedented third consecutive victory in the British Open Sidecar Speedway Championship on Sunday October 14th – though they were not able to repeat the unbeaten performances of 1999 and 2000. The top 16 UK outfits took part in […]

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A Guide To Cars That Are Worth Your Money

Cars are the most wonderful invention man ever did. A car is not simply a car. Rather, and it is a member of your family. When you think of buying a car, your whole family comes together at one point wherein everyone wants to welcome the new member by contributing to decision-making and advising. But, […]

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